Unlock the recruitment jargon with our glossary

Navigate the world of recruitment and hiring with ease using our comprehensive glossary.

Recruitment term glossary

Browse through our comprehensive list of common recruitment and hiring terms.

Active Candidate

Individuals actively searching for new jobs. They might be unemployed, looking for a better opportunity, or browsing online platforms, attending job fairs, or contacting companies directly.

Agency Recruiter

An agency recruiter works for a staffing agency, finding candidates for multiple client companies across various industries or job types. They typically specialise in specific industries or job types.

Agent of Record (AOR)

A company that acts as an intermediary between an employer and an insurance carrier, managing the enrolment, administration, and compliance aspects of employee benefits plans. AORs are responsible for ensuring that the employer's benefits plans comply with legal requirements and are properly administered.

AI Recruiting

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automate tasks and enhance various aspects of the recruitment process, including candidate sourcing, screening, scheduling, and data analysis. This technology streamlines workflows, improves efficiency, and allows recruiters to focus on more strategic aspects of hiring.

Applicants per Opening

The number of applications received for a particular job vacancy. This metric helps gauge the level of interest in the position and the effectiveness of your recruitment channels.

Assessment Centre

A series of activities, like simulations, group exercises, and tests, used to assess a candidate's skills, knowledge, and suitability for a role, often used for senior positions.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Software used by recruiters to streamline hiring. It helps manage tasks like advertising jobs, sorting resumes based on keywords, and scheduling interviews.

ATS Integration

The process of connecting an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) with other HR software, such as a Human Resources Information System (HRIS), Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) system, or video interviewing platform. ATS integration allows for the seamless transfer of candidate data between systems, improving efficiency and reducing manual data entry in the recruitment process.

Automated Screening

The use of technology to streamline the initial evaluation of job applicants. This can involve tools such as resume parsing, keyword matching, and skills assessments. Automated screening helps to reduce time spent on reviewing unqualified applicants and allows recruiters to focus on more promising candidates.

Award Wage

An award wage is the minimum hourly or salaried rate of pay that an employer is legally required to pay their employees, as set out in a modern award or enterprise agreement. These awards are determined by the Fair Work Commission (FWC) in Australia and cover a wide range of industries and occupations.

Base Salary

The fixed amount of regular pay an employee receives before bonuses or commissions.

Behavioural Interview

Focuses on past experiences and how a candidate handled specific situations. It helps predict future behaviour and how they might approach challenges in your role.

Boolean Search

The use of technology to streamline the initial evaluation of job applicants. This can involve tools such as resume parsing, keyword matching, and skills assessments. Automated screening helps to reduce time spent on reviewing unqualified applicants and allows recruiters to focus on more promising candidates.

Candidate Experience (CandEx)

The overall experience a candidate has throughout the recruitment process.

Candidate Matching

The process of using AI algorithms to match candidates with relevant job openings. These algorithms consider a candidate's skills, experience, education, and other qualifications to identify the best possible fits for open positions. Candidate matching helps to improve the quality of applicants and expedite the hiring process.

Candidate Net Promoter Score (cNPS)

A metric that measures a candidate's likelihood to recommend your company's recruitment process to others. It helps identify areas for improvement in the candidate experience.

Candidate Pipeline

A group of qualified candidates you've identified through sourcing efforts, currently at different stages of the recruitment process - from applying to interviewing.

Candidate Satisfaction

Measures a candidate's experience with the recruitment process.

Candidate Selection

The process of evaluating and choosing the most suitable candidate for a job opening based on their qualifications, skills, experience, and fit with the company culture. Candidate selection involves various methods such as resume screening, interviews, assessments, and reference checks to determine the best match for the position.

Company Values

Core principles that guide the company's behaviour and decision-making.

Compensation Package

The total value of an employee's remuneration, including salary, bonuses, commission (if applicable), and benefits. A competitive compensation package is essential for attracting and retaining top talent.

Competency Framework

A competency framework is a defined set of skills, knowledge, and behaviours that are considered essential for success in a specific role within an organisation. It outlines the attributes that a high-performing employee in that role would demonstrate.

Competency-Based Interview

Tailored to specific skills and qualities needed for the job. The interviewer asks questions to assess if the candidate has the necessary competencies (knowledge, skills, and behaviours) for success.

Contingency Recruiter

A contingency recruiter gets paid only if they successfully place a permanent candidate in a client's role. This incentivises them to find a quick match, often focusing on high-volume recruitment.

Conversational HR Chatbots

AI-powered chatbots designed to assist candidates with various tasks during the recruitment process. These chatbots can answer questions about the company or role, help with job searching and screening, and even schedule interviews. Chatbots provide a convenient and accessible way for candidates to interact with potential employers.

Cost per Hire

Cost-per-hire is a metric used to evaluate the expenses incurred in the process of recruiting a new employee. It includes all costs associated with the recruitment process, such as advertising, agency fees, recruiter salaries, interview expenses, background checks, and onboarding costs. Calculating cost-per-hire helps organisations understand the financial impact of their recruitment efforts and identify opportunities to improve cost-efficiency. By analysing this metric, companies can optimise their hiring strategies, allocate resources more effectively, and make informed decisions about their recruitment processes.


An offer from a candidate's current employer to keep them from leaving.

Cover Letter

The use of technology to streamline the initial evaluation of job applicants. This can involve tools such as resume parsing, keyword matching, and skills assessments. Automated screening helps to reduce time spent on reviewing unqualified applicants and allows recruiters to focus on more promising candidates.

Cultural Fit

The alignment between a candidate's values, behaviours, and work style with the established company culture. A good cultural fit is likely to feel comfortable, integrate well with the team, and thrive in the company environment.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A detailed document used by job applicants to showcase their qualifications for employment, including education, work experience, skills, and achievements.

Depending on Experience (DOE)

This term indicates a job's salary is flexible and will be based on the candidate's relevant experience level.

Digital Interview (or Virtual Interview)

A job interview conducted remotely using video conferencing technology. Digital interviews allow for greater flexibility and accessibility for both candidates and employers, and can be particularly useful for geographically dispersed workforces.

Diversity Hire Rate

Tracks progress towards building a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I)

Initiatives aimed at creating a workplace that is inclusive and representative of a diverse range of backgrounds. AI can support DE&I by mitigating bias in the recruitment process.

Embedded Recruitment

The integration of recruitment tools and functionalities directly within a company's career website or applicant tracking system (ATS). This allows for a more seamless candidate experience and streamlines the application process.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

A confidential work benefit that provides employees and sometimes their families with counselling and support for personal challenges.

Employee Benefits

Non-cash rewards provided by an employer to supplement an employee's salary. Common employee benefits include health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, paid time off (holiday pay, sick leave, maternity leave, etc.), pension contributions, and gym memberships.

Employee Churn

Employee churn, also known as employee turnover, refers to the rate at which employees leave an organisation and are replaced by new hires. Monitoring and managing employee churn is crucial for maintaining organisational stability, reducing recruitment and training costs, and preserving institutional knowledge. By understanding the causes of employee churn, companies can implement strategies to improve employee retention and engagement.

Employee Engagement

The level of commitment and enthusiasm an employee feels towards their work and workplace. Engaged employees are more productive, satisfied, and less likely to leave the company.

Employee Engagement Score

Indicates how engaged and motivated employees are.

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

The alignment between a candidate's values, behaviours, and work style with the established company culture. A good cultural fit is likely to feel comfortable, integrate well with the team, and thrive in the company environment.

Employee Referral Program (ERP)

A program that incentivises existing employees to refer qualified candidates from their network for open positions within the company.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)

A company program that grants employees ownership in the company by giving them shares of stock.

Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

The unique benefits and experiences offered by a company to attract, retain, and motivate talented employees. This goes beyond just compensation and perks, and can include things like work culture, development opportunities, and a sense of purpose.

Employer Brand

An employer brand is the perception that potential and current employees, as well as the broader public, have of your organisation as a workplace. It encompasses everything from your company culture and values to employee benefits, career development opportunities, and your reputation in the community.

Employer Mapping

The process of identifying and researching potential employers in a specific industry or location. This can be helpful for both candidates and recruiters. Candidates can use employer mapping to target their job search, while recruiters can use it to identify potential talent pools.

Employer of Record (EOR)

An organisation that serves as the legal employer for a worker, taking responsibility for payroll, taxes, benefits, and compliance, while the worker performs their duties for another company. EORs are often used in situations such as hiring remote workers, expanding into new markets, or engaging contingent workers.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

A legal principle ensuring fair treatment for all job seekers and employees, regardless of factors like race, gender, or religion.

Exit Interview

A formal conversation conducted with an employee who is leaving the company. The purpose is to understand why the employee is departing and to identify areas for improvement within the organisation. Exit interviews can be helpful for spotting trends in employee turnover and developing strategies to address them.

Fair Work Commission (FWC)

Australia's independent workplace tribunal that sets minimum wages, resolves disputes, and regulates awards and agreements to promote fair treatment for employees and employers.

Fair Work Ombudsman (FOW)

An Australian government agency that enforces workplace laws and ensures employees receive their fair entitlements. They also offer advice to employers on minimum legal requirements.

First-Year Turnover Rate

The percentage of employees who leave an organisation within their first year of employment. A high first-year turnover rate can be costly and disruptive.

Fixed Term Contract (FTC)

An employment agreement for a predetermined period, often used for temporary roles, project work, or maternity leave cover.

Flexible Benefits

A system that allows employees to choose the benefits that are most important to them from a range of options.

Freelancer Management System (FMS)

A software solution that helps organisations manage their contingent workforce, including freelancers, independent contractors, and temporary workers. An FMS typically includes features such as talent sourcing, onboarding, performance management, and payment processing.

Fringe Benefits

Another term for employee benefits, though it can sometimes refer to more specific taxable benefits, such as company cars or low-interest loans.

Full Time Equivalent (FTE)

A unit that measures employee workload. One FTE represents the number of hours considered "full-time" at your company. It helps compare workloads of part-time and full-time employees.

Garden Leave

Garden leave is a practice where an employee who has resigned or been terminated is required to stay away from the workplace for a set period during their notice period. They are still considered an employee and receive their full salary and benefits during this time.

Gig Economy

A labour market characterised by the prevalence of short-term contracts and freelance work, as opposed to permanent, full-time jobs. In the gig economy, workers are often hired for specific projects or tasks, and may work for multiple clients simultaneously.

Gross Pay

An employee's total earnings before deductions for taxes, medicare, HECS etc.


Headcount refers to the total number of people working for a company or within a specific department or business unit at a given time. It's a basic metric used for workforce planning and often includes all employees regardless of employment status.


Similar to a retained recruiter, a headhunter often focuses on highly specialised or executive-level positions. They typically have strong networks and deep industry knowledge.

Health and Wellbeing Benefits

A category of benefits that focus on employee health and wellbeing, including health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, gym memberships, and employee assistance programs (EAPs).

Hiring Manager (HM)

The individual in charge of filling an open position on their team. They collaborate with recruiters, define requirements, interview candidates, and make the final hiring decision.

Hours Per Hire

The total number of hours invested in recruiting for a single hire (including screening resumes, conducting interviews, etc.).

Human Resources Information System (HRIS)

A software system that stores and manages employee data, like payroll, benefits, and performance records. Unlike Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) focused on candidates, HRIS is for managing existing employees.

Hybrid Work Arrangement

A work model that combines on-site work in an office with remote work from a home office or another location. This allows for flexibility and can cater to employees who prefer a mix of both environments.

Individual Contributor (IC)

An employee who uses their specialised skills and knowledge to complete specific tasks or projects. Unlike managers, ICs don't formally manage or lead other staff. They focus on developing deep expertise and delivering high-quality work within their field.

Intelligent Search

A search function on career sites powered by AI that understands the intent and context of a candidate's query. This goes beyond simple keyword matching and provides highly relevant job results. Features like spell correction, prediction, synonyms, and natural language processing contribute to intelligent search functionality.

Internal Mobility

The process of encouraging and facilitating employee movement within the organisation to fill open positions. This can involve promotions, transfers, or lateral moves.

Interview Loop

A series of interviews conducted with a candidate by different people within the organisation.

Interview Process

A series of steps and interactions between a candidate and an employer, designed to assess the candidate's suitability for a job opening. The interview process typically includes multiple stages, such as initial screening, phone interviews, in-person interviews, and final selection. Each stage helps the employer gather more information about the candidate's qualifications, skills, experience, and fit with the company culture.

Job Board

An online platform where companies post open positions and candidates search for jobs.

Job Description (JD)

A list of the responsibilities, requirements, qualifications, preferred skills, application process, benefits and other relevant information. Often forms part of a job advert.

Job Post Optimisation

The process of tailoring job postings to improve their visibility and attract qualified candidates. This can involve using relevant keywords, crafting compelling job descriptions, and optimising formatting for search engines. Effective job post optimisation increases the pool of potential applicants and helps source top talent.

Job Transfer

The formal movement of an employee from one position to another within the same organisation, typically with similar responsibilities and salary level.

Just-in-time Staffing (JITS)

A cost-saving staffing strategy where businesses recruit temporary workers only when needed to meet short-term demands or project requirements. This ensures employees are working on essential tasks and minimises the cost of maintaining a large permanent workforce.

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities (KSA)

The knowledge, skills, abilities required to perform a job well.

Learning Management System (LMS)

A software application used to deliver, track, and manage employee training and development programs.A software application used to deliver, track, and manage employee training and development programs.A software application used to deliver, track, and manage employee training and development programs.

Leave of Absence (LOA)

A period of time when an employee is temporarily away from work, usually for a planned or approved reason (e.g., parental leave, sick leave).

Machine Learning (ML)

A branch of AI where algorithms learn and improve from data without explicit programming. In recruitment, ML helps identify patterns and trends in candidate data to inform better decision-making throughout the hiring process. For example, ML can be used to identify top performers based on past hiring data.

Mock Interview

A mock interview is a practice interview session conducted before an actual interview. It allows a candidate to prepare, refine their responses, and gain confidence for the real interview.

Net Pay

The amount of money an employee receives after taxes and other deductions are withheld from their gross pay.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A measure of a customer’s willingness to recommend a company's product or service to others. It can be measured through surveys and may form part of a candidate journey to gauge satisfaction in a recruitment process. Score is measured between 1-100.

New Starter Induction

The initial introduction of a new employee to a company, typically covering company policies, benefits, and culture. It's a one-time event focused on administrative tasks and basic information.

Non-Compete Clause

A non-compete clause is a contractual agreement that restricts an employee from working for a competitor or in a similar role for a set period after leaving their current position.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

A non-disclosure agreement is a legal contract that prohibits one or more parties from disclosing confidential information.

Notice Period

The percentage of candidates who accept a job offer after being interviewed and selected. A high offer acceptance rate indicates that your recruitment process is attracting strong candidates and offering competitive packages.

Offer Letter

A formal document outlining the terms and conditions of employment, including salary, benefits, and start date, presented to the chosen candidate.

On Target Earnings (OTE)

The total compensation an employee can expect to earn in a year if they achieve their sales quotas or performance targets. It typically combines a base salary and variable pay like commissions or bonuses.

On-site work

The traditional work model where employees perform their duties physically present in a company office or workplace.

Onboarding Process

The broader process of integrating a new employee into a company. It goes beyond induction and includes training, mentorship, and socialisation. It's an ongoing process designed to get new employees up to speed on their jobs, feeling comfortable in the company culture, and excited to be part of the team.

Onboarding Program

A structured process for integrating new hires into the company, familiarising them with the role, company culture, and expectations.

Onboarding Software

Tools that automate and streamline the onboarding process for new hires. They can manage tasks like paperwork, training assignments, and communication with new starters.

Online Talent Platforms

Websites and applications that connect businesses and individuals with freelancers, independent contractors, and temporary workers for specific projects or tasks. Examples include Upwork, Fiverr, Airtasker, and Freelancer.com.

Org Chart (Organisational Chart)

An organisational chart, often referred to as an "org chart," is a visual representation that illustrates the structure of an organisation, including the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs. It typically displays the hierarchy within the organisation, showing how employees are grouped, who reports to whom, and the chain of command. Org charts are used to provide clarity on roles, responsibilities, and workflows, helping to improve communication and coordination within the organisation.

Organisational Development (OD)

The process of improving an organisation's effectiveness through planned interventions. OD practitioners use various methods to help organisations change and develop, such as team building, leadership development, and process improvement initiatives.

Paid Time Off (PTO)

An umbrella term encompassing various types of leave with pay, such as holiday pay, sick leave, maternity leave, and paternity leave.

Panel Interview

Multiple interviewers from different departments or levels participate, allowing for a broader perspective on the candidate.

Passive Candidate

Employed professionals potentially open to attractive opportunities presented by recruiters. These candidates might not be actively searching but could be a good fit for your company.

Pay As You Go (PAYG)

In the context of compensation and benefits in Australia, PAYG refers to Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding. This is a system where employers withhold a portion of an employee's salary for income tax and Medicare levy throughout the year and remit it to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on the employee's behalf. It's not technically a benefit for the employee, but it's an important term to understand when discussing compensation in Australia as it directly affects the take-home pay employees receive.

People Partner

A more contemporary term for an HR professional who acts as a strategic business partner, focusing on employee engagement, development, and aligning HR practices with the organisation's goals. They work collaboratively with other departments to ensure a positive employee experience.

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

A formal process for documenting an employee's performance issues and outlining steps for improvement.

Performance Management

The ongoing process of setting goals, evaluating employee performance, and providing feedback. Performance management helps employees understand expectations, improve their skills, and contribute to the organisation's success.

Performance Management System (PMS)

The framework used to set goals, evaluate employee performance, and provide feedback.

Performance-Related Pay

Compensation that is linked to an employee's performance, such as bonuses or commissions.

Pre Employment Screening (PLS)

The process of verifying a candidate's qualifications and background before hiring. This may involve checking references, criminal records, and work history to assess suitability for the role.

Predictive Analytics

Using historical data and statistical modelling to predict future outcomes in the recruitment process. In recruitment, this could involve predicting candidate behaviour (e.g., likelihood to accept an offer) or identifying potential high performers.

Probationary Period

An initial period where a candidate's performance is evaluated before becoming a permanent employee.

Professional Employer Organisation (PEO)

A company that provides a co-employment relationship with its clients, sharing certain employer responsibilities and liabilities. PEOs typically handle payroll, benefits, workers' compensation, and other HR-related functions, allowing client companies to focus on their core business operations.

Psychometric Testing

Standardised tests designed to assess a candidate's personality, cognitive abilities (e.g., problem-solving, numerical reasoning), or work styles.

Quality of Hire

A measure of how well a new hire performs in the role and integrates into the organisation. It can be assessed through factors like performance metrics, retention rates, and manager feedback.

Recruiting Coordinator (RC)

A recruiting team member who supports the recruitment process. They assist recruiters with tasks like managing applications, scheduling interviews, and keeping candidates informed.

Recruitment Funnel

A recruitment funnel is a systematic process used by organisations to attract, evaluate, and hire candidates for job vacancies. It visualises the stages through which candidates progress, from initial awareness of the job opening to final hiring. The stages typically include awareness, interest, application, screening, interview, offer, and acceptance. The funnel helps hiring teams manage and optimise the recruitment process, ensuring that the most suitable candidates are identified and hired efficiently. By analysing the funnel, organisations can identify areas for improvement and refine their recruitment strategies.

Recruitment Funnel Metrics

These track the movement of candidates through the different stages of your recruitment process, such as the number of applicants who apply, progress to interviews, and receive offers. Analysing these metrics helps identify bottlenecks and improve the efficiency of your recruitment efforts.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

RPO is a service where a company outsources all or part of its recruitment process (e.g., sourcing, screening) to a specialist RPO firm. RPOs offer expertise, scalability, and access to a wider talent pool. RPO providers can handle tasks such as sourcing candidates, screening CVs, conducting interviews, and even managing job offers.

Reference Check

Contacting previous employers or supervisors to verify a candidate's work history and performance.

Remote Work

An employment arrangement where employees perform their duties primarily outside of a traditional office setting. This can be from a home office, co-working space, or any location with a reliable internet connection.

Resume Parsing

Extracting key information like skills, experience, and contact details from resumes using software.

Retained Recruiter

Retained recruiters work for search firms. Clients hire them on a retainer basis to fill specific senior or niche positions. They conduct in-depth searches and offer personalised candidate sourcing.

Retention Rate

The percentage of employees who remain with an organisation for a specific period, typically one year. A high retention rate indicates a positive work environment and engaged employees.

Retention Strategy

A plan for keeping employees with the company. It includes initiatives to improve employee engagement, satisfaction, and morale, and can also involve financial incentives like competitive salaries and benefits.

Salary Range

The minimum and maximum amount of salary offered for a particular position. Companies often advertise jobs with a salary range to attract a wider pool of qualified candidates.


A scorecard is a standardised evaluation tool used by interviewers to assess and rate candidates during the interview process. It typically includes pre-defined criteria and rating scales for key competencies, skills, and behaviours relevant to the specific role.

Screening (Pre-screening)

The initial stage of evaluating candidates before a formal interview. This might involve reviewing resumes, conducting a short phone call, or using online assessments to shortlist qualified applicants for further consideration.

Severance Package

A financial payment and/or benefits provided to an employee who is laid off or terminated.


Selecting a smaller group of top candidates from the initial pool to progress further in the interview process.

Sign-on Bonus

A financial incentive offered by a company to a new employee upon accepting a job offer or starting a new position.

Similarity Scoring

An AI-powered tool that compares a candidate's profile to a pre-defined ideal candidate profile and assigns a score based on the level of similarity. This can help recruiters prioritise candidates who are most likely to be a good fit for the role.

Skills Gap

The difference between the skills an employee has and the skills they need to perform their job effectively.

Social Recruiting

Social recruiting is a modern recruitment strategy that involves using social media platforms to attract, engage, and hire potential candidates.

Source of Hire

Helps identify the most effective channels for attracting qualified candidates (e.g., job boards, employee referrals, social media).


The process of identifying and attracting qualified candidates for open positions.

Sourcing Channels

The various methods used to find and connect with potential candidates. This could include job boards, social media recruitment, professional networking sites, attending industry events, or employee referrals.

Sourcing Strategy

The approach used to find qualified candidates for open positions.

Stock Options

The right to buy a certain number of shares in the company's stock at a predetermined price in the future. This can be a form of long-term incentive for employees.

Structured Interview

Uses a standardised format with pre-determined questions for all candidates applying for the same position. This ensures a fair and consistent evaluation process.

Succession Planning

The process of identifying and developing high-potential employees to fill key roles within an organisation in the future. It's crucial for ensuring business continuity and minimising disruption when key employees leave the company.


Australia's mandatory retirement savings scheme. Employers are required to contribute a percentage of an employee's salary towards their superannuation fund. This provides employees with a financial nest egg for retirement.

Talent Acquisition (TA)

The overarching strategy of attracting, identifying, and acquiring skilled employees to meet an organisation's needs. It encompasses activities like recruitment, sourcing, and onboarding.

Talent Acquisition Partner

A senior-level internal recruiter who plays a strategic role in talent acquisition. They partner with hiring managers to develop recruitment strategies and source top talent.

Talent Acquisition Specialist (TAS)

An internal HR professional who focuses on attracting, sourcing, and recruiting qualified candidates for open positions within the company.

Talent CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

A software system specifically designed for talent acquisition that utilises AI to manage talent pipelines. This includes building relationships with potential candidates, tracking interactions, and providing insights to source and engage top talent. A Talent CRM allows recruiters to stay organised and efficient throughout the recruitment process.

Talent Mapping

A proactive approach to identifying and assessing potential candidates for current or future job openings within an organisation. Talent mapping involves creating a database of qualified candidates, including their skills, experience, and potential fit with the company culture, to streamline the recruitment process when a position becomes available.

Talent Pool

A broader group encompassing all potential candidates with the skills and experience relevant to future roles within your company. It can include active and passive candidates.

Time to Hire (or Time to Fill)

The average length of time it takes to fill an open position, from the moment it's advertised to when a successful candidate accepts the offer. A shorter time to hire indicates a more efficient recruitment process.

Total Rewards

A broader term encompassing all the financial and non-financial rewards an employee receives from their job, including salary, benefits, work-life balance, and opportunities for growth and development.

Vacancy Rate

The percentage of open positions within an organisation at a given time. A high vacancy rate can signal difficulty attracting or retaining talent.

Video Interviewing

Video interviewing is a technology-driven method of conducting job interviews remotely using video conferencing tools, which has become increasingly common in the modern recruitment process.

Video Interviewing Platform

Online tools that enable conducting remote video interviews with candidates. These platforms offer features like scheduling, recording, and candidate assessment tools. Common platforms include Zoom and Google Meet.

Work Visa Sponsorship

Whether the company can sponsor a visa for international candidates.

Work-Life Balance

The ability to balance work demands with personal life commitments.

Workforce Optimisation (WFO)

Workforce optimisation (WFO) is a comprehensive approach to improving the efficiency, productivity, and performance of an organisation's employees. It involves the strategic use of various tools, techniques, and practices to ensure that the right number of people with the right skills are in the right place at the right time. This includes effective scheduling, performance management, training and development, and employee engagement. The goal of workforce optimisation is to enhance customer service, reduce operational costs, and improve overall organisational effectiveness by maximising the potential of the workforce.

Workforce Planning

The process of forecasting an organisation's future talent needs and developing strategies to meet those needs. Workforce planning helps organisations ensure they have the right skills and people in place to achieve their strategic objectives.

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